On the evening of Tuesday, April 19, the Spring 2011 Glenn Fellows were among members of the audience for a policy forum co-sponsored by the John Glenn School of Public Affairs and the DC chapter of the OSU Alumni Club. Glenn School faculty member Trevor Brown moderated a discussion about recent events in the Middle East and North Africa and the prospects for democratic reform in a region of the world known for its autocratic regimes. The other members of the panel were Scott Mastic, an OSU alumnus currently serving as Middle East and North Africa Director at the International Republican Institute, and David Newton, a retired foreign service officer who served as the first U.S. Ambassador to Iraq after the resumption of diplomatic relations with Saddam Hussein's regime in the late 1980s. The event was part of an on-going collaboration between the Glenn School and the DC Alumni Club.
April 23 update: See Yasmine El Rashidi's piece, "The Battle for Egypt's Future," in the April 25, 2011, issue of The New York Review of Books.