Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fall 2010 Glenn Fellows Arrive in D.C.

Left to right: Alexandra Petrucci, Chandra Caldwell, Nichole Hill, Justin Canfil, Sara Hinds, Kyle Everett, Kathryn Heffernan, Brock Hutchison, Theresa Brenner, Kevin Ruppert, Lindsey Wilson, Christina Buckler, Claire Racine.

Members of the fall 2010 class are living in The Congessional Apartments at 215 Constitution Avenue, N.E. We held our orientation session on Monday. Tuesday was the first day of their internships. Seminars and study tours will be held on Fridays this quarter.


  1. It is VERY hard to believe that is has been an entire year since the Fall '09 Glenn fellows were moving in to 225 Constitution Avenue NW, and it would appear that some big changes have come to WAIP since then. FRIDAY seminars?? 215 Const. Ave??? What an alien program it would seem to me...
    Hope the quarter goes well,

    Josh Kramer

  2. Hi, Josh. Thanks for hanging around these parts. We've been trying to promote some inter-generational dialogue. Stay tuned.
