In the old days, when GAO stood for General Accounting Office, many Americans might have thought of it, to the extent that they thought of it at all, as an agency full of Bob Cratchits (see image above), with or without their green eyeshades. On Wednesday, June 29, at 6:30 in the Hall of the States, the Glenn Fellows will learn about the work of what is now called the Government Accountability Office from two staffers, OSU graduates Patrick Dynes and Jillena Roberts. The head of the GAO is the Comptroller General of the United States. Currently, that post is held by Eugene Louis Dodaro.
For a little background, here is a link to an article published in May, 2010, by Paul C. Light of New York University, one of America's leading public policy scholars. Light refers to the Comptroller General as "perhaps the most important job that most Americans do not know about."
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