Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Broken Branch: Monitoring the Vital Signs

This week, as the Spring 2013 class of John Glenn Fellows digs into the Mann-Ornstein sequel to The Broken Branch, fittingly entitled It's Even Worse Than It Looks, there are glimmers of hope that the national legislature might be in the process of repairing itself.  In today's Washington Post, Paul Kane reports that Congressional committee chairs are fighting for a restoration of "regular order," which is to say that they are seeking to reclaim some of the power they have lost to Congressional party leaders over the past few decades. 

But a few pages later, in the Sunday Opinion section, Dana Milbank demonstrates the power of organized ideologues on the right to turn Lindsay Graham, the intelligent, principled, and scrupulous senior Senator from South Carolina, into "the mad dog of Capitol Hill."  With an eye to the Spring 2014 Republican primary in a red state, it is important for Sen. Graham "to de-emphasize anything that might make him appear to be reasonable," and that certainly would include "his championing of 'Grahamnesty' immigration reforms.

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